Different approaches to do Pagination in an API Rest

Introduction In this post, I will talk about Pagination in Rest API, my idea was only to talk about that topic and create a tiny repository where I can show a simple example. But I started adding some features, like Docker, Kubernetes, Makefile, etc. (sometimes that kind of thing happens 😀) That made me think that I can explain many topics with the same repository, the idea will be to add more features or technologies and every post will be related to un tag version. [Read More]

How to Write a Pub Sub Service With Go

An overview of the Pub/Sub pattern and how it works. What is Pub/Sub? The Pub/Sub (publish/subscribe) pattern is a messaging pattern used in distributed systems to enable asynchronous communication between components or systems. It allows for the decoupling of senders (publishers) and receivers (subscribers) by introducing an intermediary called a message broker or message bus. How does its work? Publishers: Publishers are responsible for sending messages to specific topics. A topic is a named channel or category to which messages can be published. [Read More]